The Interface Solution Experts
Site-Programmable Volt &
Milliamp Limit Alarm Trips
Scaling the Display —
Setting the Engineering Units
in Custom Mode
This is the menu with which the HLPRG SPA user
can further “customize” unit operations. This menu is
available only in units where the “CUST FUNC” Cus-
tom Mode selection has been made in the Configure
Options menu, earlier.
The settings for decimal place and zero and
full scale display that are entered into SPA
memory are saved as numeric values as
opposed to percentages.
They are independent of settings for input
scaling and trip points.
If changes are made to the Input Scaling or
Trip Points (in the Configure Alarms menu),
this menu must be accessed and the values
changed appropriately in order to carry any
scaling changes through to the display.
Figure 12 shows the menu for this procedure.
1. From the “SCLE DSPL” screen of the Main
Menu, press SELECT.
2. Use the arrow buttons to “scroll” through
the parameters for scaling the display:
• Set the decimal position
• Set the displayed zero
• Set the displayed full scale
• Exit the Display Scaling procedure and
return to the Main Menu
3. When the parameter that is to be set is
showing on the LCD, press SELECT.
4. Refer to Figure 12 for information on the
function of the up and down arrow buttons
for each of these parameters.
5. When the parameter has been set
appropriately for the intended application,
make a note of the scaling for future
reference, and press SELECT.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until all
parameters for the display have been set
as required.
7. With “EXIT DSPL” showing on the LCD,
press SELECT to return to the Main Menu.