NET Concentrator System
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Moore Industries-International, Inc.
Examples of Peer-to-Peer
To help describe the various capabilities of the
Peer-to-Peer System, written and illustrated examples
of particular configurations are detailed below.
Single Station Pair Configurations
A Peer-to-Peer System configuration is described in
the following application example.
You have two Interface Module stations
communicating Peer-to-Peer (bidirectional) on
Port 1. On Port 2, these same Interface Modules
will communicate with a MODBUS Master in a
Peer-to-Host configuration.
P2P Figure 2 provides an illustrated representation of
this example with the AIM on Station 1 mapping to the
AOM on Station 2. The DIM on Station 2 is also being
mapped to the ROM on Station 1. Refer to P2P Figure
1 for an example of PC software window configuration.
P2P Figure 1.
Configuration Windows for a Single Station Pair Running Peer-to-Peer on Port 1 and MODBUS Peer-to-Host on Port 2
Only modules of like data types can map to each
other (analog data AIMs and TIMs map to AOMs;
discrete data DIMs map to ROMs).
You may access diagnostics information in the
consumer for the application in the example above
via the NCS Configuration Software program or web