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You Will Need...
To perform the basic maintenance procedure for the
IPF, refer to table 4, which lists the equipment
required. These materials are not supplied by Moore
Industries, but should be available in maintenance
areas prepared to perform this type of procedure.
If this equipment is not available, your facility may
not be qualified to perform the operations described
in this section. Contact Moore Industries’ Customer
Service Department for more information.
Unit Disassembly
To disassemble the IPF for maintenance/cleaning,
remove the protective top cover in the same manner
as was carried out in the calibration setup. Unscrew
the two Phillips-head screws from the faceplate, and
remove it.
For NE-type IPF’S .
The wires from the external
terminal block to the internal sub-assemblies must be
cut to perform the maintenance/cleaning.
Cut the
wires as close to their butt connectors as possible.
Quality Air or
Nitrogen Supply
Reduced to between 20 and 30 psig, and fitted with a hose and fine tip or nozzle.
White, Bond
Clean, undyed, and unlaminated.
Cotton Swabs
Clean, general utility swabs for use in cleaning surfaces and absorbing excess solvent
and alcohol.
Rho-Tron-TPC-400 or equivalent
Isopropyl Alcohol
Clean, general purpose flushing solution.
Or similar mechanism for injecting alcohol into small orifices.
Slotted-tip. Head width of 5 mm (0.1875 in), maximum.
Technician’s tool for manipulation of very small parts.
Cleaning Wire
0.005-inch diameter, maximum.
Hex Keys
One 4 mm, standard;
One 3/32 in, minimum length 5.5 in. Ball-tipped head recommended;
One 5/32 in, standard
Loctite® #242 or equivalent removeable threadlocker.
Table 4.
IPF Maintenance Equipment