The battery is the most important item of the E-48. A correct charge of the battery is
extremely important to determine the battery’s life. The battery must be charged on the
whole before using the vehicle. The battery is provided with a indicator to show when the
battery is full charged. Make sure the ignition key to be blocked to avoid the vehicle move.
The E-48 is equipped with a Lithium battery (LI) de 36 V 9 Ah. it consist of cells grouped
together in series with an electronic control charge. It does not require any maintenance
like the Lead-Acide ones(LA). It can be recharged at any time, thought, it is
recommended not to get the battery discharged completely.
Good use of the battery
The first charge of the battery is very important to determinate the battery’s life. It must be
complete (4/6 hours approx.) till the indicator shows to be full up.
The lithium batteries are very sensitive while being charged. An inadequate power supply
may damage the battery.
In general, the batteries are also sensitive to extreme temperatures.
Any manipulation of the battery by the user is to invalidate the warranty and free the
manufacturer of any possible liability.
The battery charge must be made in a dry and well-ventilated area.
The batteries may discharge itself. It is normal to decrease the charge when the vehicle
has not been used for a long time.
It is recommended to make a complete discharge every three months, later,
follow with a compete charge.
10.1 Charge
The E-48 is provided with a charger of high power. Please follow the following steps:
The charges must be on position: ”off(O)”, stop (F) in (Figure 26)
Connect the charger to the battery (B) in (Figure 25)
Connect the charger to the electric system
Set the charger switch to the position ,“on(I)”, start.
Once the charge is finished, set the charger in position “(O)” and disconnect from the
electric system.
Figure 25
The battery can be charged on the vehicle while is still or be removed. If the battery is
being removed, it must be handled with care. A supplied key is provided to unlock the
battery’s safety latch. (A) in (Figure 25).