Filament Diameter (mm): Sets the diameter of the filament being used. This printer
only supports 1.75mm diameter filament.
Auto Change Temperature: When printing, the nozzle will automatically change the
printing temperature according to the type of filament being used. General
consumable are set by default, so there is no need to select this option.
Travel Tab
Combing Mode: This option determines how the nozzle will move when not
printing. The Off option has the nozzle move the shortest distance between the
previous extrusion location and the new start location. The All option causes the
nozzle to move along anything it has already extruded. The No Skin option will
avoid the outer layers to move the nozzle to the new start location, which can
greatly improve print quality.
Start Layers at Same Position: This option changes the accuracy of the model in the
same plane. It is generally set by default.
Layer Start PositionX (mm): This option allows you to change the X axis coordinates
of the position of the model layer.
Layer Start PositionY (mm): This option allows you to change the Y axis coordinates
of the position of the model layer.