Retraction Tab
Horizontal Travel Retraction: Check this box to enable filament retraction when the
nozzle is not printing and is moving in a horizontal direction.
Retract at Layer Change: Check this box to retract the filament when switching
from layer to layer.
Retraction speed (mm/s): Sets the speed at which filament is retracted.
Retraction distance (mm): The distance the filament is retracted within the nozzle.
Z Hop Height (mm): The distance the nozzle is lifted when filament is returned after
Retraction Minimum Travel (mm): Sets the minimum nozzle movement distance
before printing and before retracting the filament.
Material Tab
Filament flow (%): Sets the flow rate of filament in the melting state. This is set
according to the type of filament being used. In general, the flow rate for PLA or
PLA Pro is 90 and the flow rate of ABS is 100.