Two Way Car Alarm System MONGOOSE EMS 1.7R
1. If the Passive Immobiliser and the first or second stage of the Anti Hijack are activated
at the same time, then you can disarm both Passive Immobiliser and the Anti Hijack
simultaneously with either the passive immobiliser disarm button or the units digit of the
PIN code. To enter the units digit of the PIN code press the override switch required
number of times and wait for 3 seconds keeping the ignition on. Two indicator flashes will
confirm the passive immobiliser and the Anti Hijack are disarmed. If the Anti Hijack
is not activated, disarming the passive immobiliser with a second digit of the PIN code
is not available.
2. If when the Passive Immobiliser and the Anti Hijack are activated at the same time you
press wrong transmitter button (buttons) twice, the alarm system will not respond to the
transmitter commands during the next two minutes. The PIN code operation will still be
available. If however the wrong PIN code is entered twice, the PIN code operation will
be blocked for two minutes. The LED will be flashing double flashes to indicate the
blocking period is turned on.
If you disconnect and then reconnect the car battery the alarm will be triggered
in accordance with the Passive Immobiliser Trigger Period setting once the Passive Immobiliser
is armed for the first time after reconnection of the car battery.
Anti HiJack
The Hijacking mode will only be available if you set a 2digit Pin code.
The EMS 1.7R alarm system includes an Anti HiJacking (Car Jacking mode) with two
modes of activation:
a) Hijacking Mode when the door is opened with the ignition switched on. This mode is set
by programming and will be activated every time the door open and closed with the
ignition on.
b) Onetrip Hijacking Mode when the door is opened with the ignition switched on. This
mode is set by pressing button M of the transmitter with the ignition on and will be
available until either the ignition is switched off or button M is pressed once more. I.e.
every 1
, 3
, … pressing of the button M will preset the Door operated Anti hijack, and
every 2
, 4
, … pressing of the button M or the ignition switched off before door is
opened with the ignition on will cancel that presetting. If you preset the Anti Hijack
with pressing button M with the ignition on the siren beeps once and the indicators will
flash once as confirmation that the WaittoAnti Hijack period is turned on, the Anti
Hijack will start as soon as the door is open.
To have option a) the User’s Function 26 is to be ON, to have option b) the User’s Function
26 is to be OFF.
HiJacking Mode Deactivated
The Anti HiJacking mode is completely deactivated when Anti Hijacking mode function
is off, and button M of the transmitter has not been pressed with the ignition on or pressed 2, 4,
6, … times.
Руководство пользователя
EMS 1.7R
Индикация тревоги
Звуковое подтверждение
Открыт капот
Мелодия 1
1раз/5 сек.
Открыт багажник
Мелодия 2
1раз/5 сек.
Открыта дверь
Мелодия 3
1раз/5 сек.
Включено зажигание
Мелодия 4
1раз/5 сек.
Предварительная зона датчика
2 тональный
1 раз
Основная зона датчика
Мелодия 5
1раз/5 сек.
Несанкционированное снятие с охраны
Мелодия 6
Переподключение питания в режиме охраны
Мигают пиктограммы
Мелодия 5
1раз/5 сек.
Неотключен пассивный иммобилайзер
Индикация текущего
Мелодия 5, если все закрыто
состояния автомобиля
и зажигание выключено
Неправильное отключение иммобилайзера
Или Мелодии 1,2,3 или 4
в зависимости от текущего
состояния системы
О включении тревоги пульт управления сообщит индивидуальной для каждой зоны охраны
мелодией и/или включением виброзвонка. На дисплее пульта включится подсветка и пиктог
рамма зоны вызвавшей включение тревоги.