Operating Instructions
Fusing is internal and based on thermal reset switches and a manual-reset breaker located on
CT207 subassembly A4. If one of these fuses trips, it may indicate that a hardware
malfunction has occurred. Diagnostic steps should be taken to determine this.
Caring for the battery
The CT100 has an intelligent internal battery-charging circuit that dynamically determines the
optimum charge rate and reverts to low-level trickle charge when the battery is fully charged.
Charging is automatic and there are no charge-length restrictions.
The battery should be charged between 0
C and +45
C. Battery operation should be limited to
between 0
C and +50
C. Batteries should be stored between -20
C and +60
C. If the battery
pack is older, it may not show a 100% charge capacity even when the maximum battery
charge is obtained.
CAUTION: Do not attempt to charge the battery pack below 0
C or above +45
Batteries should not be stored below -20
C or above +60
Charging and power status
The CT100 operates from a 24 volt power adapter, internal battery pack, or an external battery
pack. When plugged into an adapter, the CT100 will preferentially charge the internal battery
pack over any connected external pack. When operating off of batteries, the CT100 will prefer
to use an external battery pack over the internal battery pack.
When an external battery pack is connected and fully charged, the CT100 will return to trickle-
charge the internal battery pack. However, as long as the internal pack remains fully charged,
the CT100 will immediately switch to charging the external battery each time it is disconnected
and a external pack is reconnected. In this fashion, a single CT100 can be used to charge
several external battery packs in sequence.
In the
r menu, a submenu of the
menu, the user can set power save and shutdown
timers. Different time-out values can be set for when the CT100 is using the AC/DC converter
or batteries. In power save mode, the screen goes blank and only enough power is used to
monitor for user input. When input is received, the CT100 wakes back up. When a shutdown
timer expires, the CT100 will turn off.
Also in the
menu, the user can toggle the
Charge External/Internal
option to determine
which battery pack has priority when charging. By default, the CT100 will charge the internal
battery pack until it is full, then switch to charging the external battery pack. The functions of
the external battery can be toggled on and off in the same menu. When off, external battery
voltage and charge state will not be displayed.
A voltage readout can be turned off and on with the
Power Display
menu option in the
menu. The battery will have its voltage displayed on the screen, along with the voltage from
the 24 volt adapter if it’s attached. The color of the voltage text indicates the state of the power
Mohr CT100 / CT100HF Operator's Manual