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After you have test-flown and done the initial trim changes to the airplane, use this trimming chart to begin trimming your
airplane. Following and adhering to this chart will result in the ability to diagnose trim problems and correct those problems
using the simple adjustments shown below. Making these observations and related corrections will result in a straighter
and truer flying airplane.
Control Centering
Fly general circles and random
Try for hands off straight and level flight
Readjust linkages so the transmitter trim
levers are centered
Control Throws
Fly random maneuvers
A) Controls are too sensitive or airplane
feels "jerky"
B) Controls are not sensitive enough or
airplane feels "mushy"
If A) Adjust linkages to reduce control
If B) Adjust linkages to increase control
Engine Thrust Angle*
From straight and level flight,
quickly chop the throttle for a
short distance
A) Airplane continues in a level attitude
for a short distance
B) Airplane pitches nose up
C) Airplane pitches nose down
If A) Engine thrust angle is correct
If B) Decrease engine down thrust
If C) Increase engine down thrust
Center of Gravity
From level flight, roll to a 45º
bank and neutralize the controls
A) Airplane continues in the bank for a
short distance
B) Nose pitches up
C) Nose pitches down
If A) Center of gravity is correct
If B) Add nose weight
If C) Remove nose weight or add tail weight
Into the wind, perform inside
loops using only elevator.
Repeat test performing outside
loops from an inverted entry
A) Wing is level throughout
B) Airplane yaws to right in both inside
and outside loops
C) Airplane yaws to left in both inside and
outside loops
D) Airplane yaws to the right in inside
loops and yaws to the left in outside
E) Airplane yaws to the left in inside loops
and yaws to the right in outside loops
If A) Trim settings are correct
If B) Add left rudder trim
If C) Add right rudder trim
If D) Add left aileron trim
If E) Add right aileron trim
Lateral Balance**
Into the wind, perform tight inside
loops using only elevator
A) Wing is level and airplane falls to
either side
B) Airplane falls off to the left. Worsens
as loops tighten
C) Airplane falls off to the right. Worsens
as loops tighten
If A) Lateral balance is correct
If B) Add weight to right wing tip
If C) Add weight to left wing tip
Aileron Control System
With the wing level, pull to a
vertical climb and neutralize
the controls
A) Climb continues along the same path
B) Nose tends to go toward an inside loop
C) Nose tends to go toward an outside loop
If A) Trim settings are correct
If B) Raise both ailerons very slightly
If C) Lower both ailerons very slightly
Engine thrust angle and center of gravity interact. Check both.
Yaw and lateral balance produce similar symptoms. Note that the fin may be crooked. Make certain both elevator halves are even with each other and
that they both produce the same amount of control deflection throughout the complete deflection range. Right and left references are as if you were in
the cockpit.