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Step 2: Installing the Hatch Covers
Install the needle valve and muffler assembly onto your engine, then cut to length and install the fuel lines to the
muffler pressure nipple and the carburetor (or remote needle valve).
Install the spinner backplate and the propeller onto your engine and tighten the propeller nut firmly.
Test-fit the spinner cone over the propeller. Depending on the size of the propeller you are using, the spinner cone
may not fit over it. If this is the case, use a modeling knife to very carefully enlarge the two cutouts in the spinner cone.
It is important that the spinner cone not touch any part of the propeller when it is in place.
When satisfied with the fit, slide the spinner cone over
the propeller.
Install and tighten the two 3mm x 12mm wood screws to
secure the spinner cone into place.
Set the fuel tank hatch cover into place and align it with the fuselage.
Drill one 5/64" diameter hole into the hatch cover and
through the preinstalled mounting block in the fuselage 1/8"
in front of the back edge of the hatch cover. Make sure to drill
the hole straight and not at an angle.
If you drill the hole farther than 1/8" in front of the back
edge of the hatch cover, you will miss the preinstalled block
inside the fuselage.
Install the hatch cover using the 2mm x 12mm wood screw.
Install the servo hatch cover on the bottom of the fuselage using the same technique. It is held in place using two
2mm x 10mm wood screws - one at the front of the cover and one at the back of the cover.
Step 3: Installing the Spinner Assembly & Engine Accessories
Step 4: Installing the Receiver & Battery
We don't suggest permanently installing the receiver and battery until you have balanced the airplane. Depending on
how the airplane initially balances will determine where you need to mount the receiver and battery.
Wrap the receiver and battery in foam rubber to protect them from vibration. Use masking tape or rubber bands to hold
the foam in place.
Do not wrap the foam rubber too tightly or the vibration dampening quality will be reduced.