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With the wing mounted to the fuselage, use a ruler to
measure the distance between the tips of the stabilizer and
the tips of the wing. Pivot the front of the stabilizer until both
of these measurements are equal.
When you are satisfied that the stabilizer is square to the wing, use a pencil to draw a couple of marks on each side of
the front of the stabilizer where it and the fuselage sides meet, then use a couple of pieces of masking tape to hold the
stabilizer firmly in place and aligned.
With the stabilizer held firmly in place, look from the front
of the airplane at both the wing and the stabilizer. When
aligned properly, the stabilizer should be parallel to the wing.
If the stabilizer is out of alignment, remove it and use 220
grit sandpaper with a sanding block to sand down the higher
side of the stabilizer mounting slot, then reinstall the stabilizer
and check the alignment once more. Repeat this procedure
until you are satisfied with the alignment.
Step 2: Installing the Horizontal Stabilizer
With the stabilizer properly aligned, use a pencil to draw a line on each side of the stabilizer where it meets the
fuselage sides. Do this on both the top and bottom.
Remove the stabilizer. Using a modeling knife, carefully
cut away and remove the covering material from between the
lines you drew. Do this on both the top and the bottom.
When cutting through the covering to remove it, cut with only
enough pressure to cut through only the covering itself. Cutting
down into the balsa structure could weaken the stabilizer and
cause it to fail during flight.
Mix and apply a generous amount of 30 minute epoxy to the top and bottom gluing surfaces of the stabilizer and to the
top and bottom gluing surfaces of the stabilizer mounting slot in the fuselage.
Push the stabilizer back into place and realign it, double-checking all of your measurements once more before the
epoxy sets up. Quickly remove the excess epoxy and use pieces of masking tape to hold the stabilizer in place until the
epoxy has fully cured.
When the stabilizer is
aligned properly, B
should equal B-1.
When the stabilizer is
aligned properly, C
should equal C-1.