Dual and Split
Dual and Split
Modal 008R features a ‘Performance Mode’: in ‘Patch Mode’, (i.e. the mode we have
discussed so far) you can load 1 single sound preset and use all the 8 voices available for it.
In ‘Performance Mode’ you can load 2 sound presets (called ‘parts’ from now on) and either
have them both spread across the whole keyboard in Dual mode or select a key to seperate
them in Split Mode.
If you are in the standard patch loading page, press the first ‘menu button’ (A) and the screen
will show a confirmation page: if you press ‘Yes’ (first ‘menu button’ again), the synth will
switch to Dual/Split Mode after a momentary wait message; if you press ‘No’ (second ‘menu
button’) you will stay in Sngl Mode.
When in ‘Performance Mode’, the top bar of the screen displays either Low or Up, highlighted
inside a grey box, which shows the currently acitve part. You can switch between Lower and
Upper parts by using the Lower and Upper buttons on the front panel or selecting the box on
the LCD.
Switch between Dual and Split Mode by selecting the box on the LCD.
To load new presets into the Lower and Upper parts select the either of the two patch boxes
(First box is Lower, Second box is Higher) and scroll to the patch you want to load then press