Keyboard and
Quick Recall
In this section we are going to discuss the bottom-left area of the front panel interface, which
includes various settings for keyboard and quick recall options.
Key Modes
The KeyMode option sets the keyboard polyphony and the allocation method for the voices.
008R has 4 different KeyModes:
standard polyphonic mode, where you can play up to 8 notes simultaneously, each
one using one single voice and uses most recent note priority
standard monophonic mode, where you can play just one note at time, using just
one voice
standard unison mode, where you can play just one note at time (mono
keyboard), but you can use up to 8 voices simultaneously for that note
special ‘poly/unison’ mode, where you can decide how many notes you can play
together (polyphonic keyboard) and also how many voices the Modal 008R uses for each
note. E.g. with a Size of 4 voices, you can play up to 2 notes simultaneously, with each
note using 4 voices, because you have 8 voices available. This mode uses most recent
note priority