© MOBOTIX AG • Security-Vision-Systems • Made in Germany
www.mobotix.com • [email protected]
Describes the layout of video sources on a screen in MxControlCenter. The layout
determines the positions and resolutions of the images displayed on the monitor
when displaying images from network cameras. In addition to the actual video images,
you can also incorporate graphic elements such as the location of the cameras, etc.
Abbreviation for Light Emitting Diode. An electronic semiconductor component built into
MOBOTIX cameras and add-on modules that emits light when a current flows through
the component in the correct direction.
Free and open source operating system. Serves as the operating system for all MOBOTIX
Images that have more than 1 million pixels.
Dome camera with one lens, such as the MOBOTIX D24M.
Motion Detection
Action of sensing a movement within a particular area. MOBOTIX cameras use algorithmic
methods to detect changes from image to image in predefined areas, while taking preset
conditions into account. If a camera detects a movement, it signals an event and triggers
an alarm.
Motion JPEG (M-JPEG)
A video compression method where each individual image is compressed separately
as a JPEG image. Unlike MPEG, the quality of M-JPEG recordings is not dependent on move-
ment within the image.
Motion Pictures Expert Group. Standard for compressing and saving image and video data,
resulting in quality loss. Originally created for playing entertainment content on PCs, MPEG
concentrates on displaying still image material and compromises the quality of moving image
material in order to increase the transmission speed.
MOBOTIX video management software for professional control of medium-sized and large
camera networks.
MOBOTIX video management software for small and compact camera networks of up to
16 cameras.
MOBOTIX-developed method for compression and storage of image and video data with
minimal network load and high image quality. The MxPEG ActiveX control element allows