Technical Installation Guide (4G) v1.9
Mobileye 8 Connect
Deviation Offset
Optimal- center of the windshield, if center not possible, according to the vehicle width:
If the vehicle width measurement is up to 1.67 meters- camera can be
attached up to 10cm from the windshield center
If the vehicle width measurement is more than 1.67 meters- camera can be
attached up to 8% of the vehicle width measurement.
Vehicle width in cm X 0.08 = MAX OFFSET
GPS attachment
9.1 Step 3 – GPS attachment
Use the surface cleaner supplied in the kit to clean the attachment area of the
windshield and then use a dry paper towel to dry the area and remove residue before
attaching the GPS attachment.
Attach the GPS module mount using the 3M double-sided tape.
Make sure the GPS is facing up and attached in cleared area on the windshield.
The Mobileye GPS module can be attached at one of vehicle windshield corners in area
not covered by the wipers and/or without any other Metal obstructions.
As the driver dashboard encapsulates various systems that may create disturbances,
Mobileye recommends to install the GPS module at one of the 4 windshield corners
(refer to the drawing).
GPS module can't be attached more than 0.49m ahead from the camera unit. (Camera
distance to bumper – GPS distance to bumper < 0.49m)
Validation tests were performed on several vehicle models.
In some models the GPS may not be fully functional in the Top/Bottom left corners of the
windshield due to interferences from other vehicle components and a different location
may be required.
We recommend each installation is completed by a run of the Peripheral Tool to verify full
components functionality.