DOC-0132 Crewsafe User Manual v.1.2
Mobilarm Ltd. © 2009
The Tag STATUS INDICATOR LED displays fast red flashes briefly.
Once the Tag has joined the network successfully, the Tag's STATUS INDICATOR
LED flashes green every two seconds. If the Tag's status LED does not turn green
after several seconds it may not be correctly configured for the network. Please see
for help.
Turning Tags Off
Tags are automatically turned OFF during a system shutdown, but they can also be
turned off in the following ways:
1. Place Tags into a Power Dock and then press and hold the BUTTON on the
Tag for 3 seconds.
2. If a Tag has triggered a false man overboard alarm, press and hold the Tag
BUTTON for 10 seconds to turn it OFF.
As the Tag turns off, it vibrates and the strobe light flashes for several seconds.