Mobilarm Ltd. © 2009
completely "swamped" by RF in the vicinity. If it is unable to find an interference-free
channel, the Display Console and the network goes into a standby state and the router
NETWORK STATUS INDICATOR LEDs will be off. If you are in an area with lots of RF
around, try to power the system up again when you have shifted position slightly.
False Alarms & Operational Issues
Q: If someone accidentally loses a Tag overboard or walks off the boat with a Tag,
how do I cancel the alarm?
The simplest way to cancel any false alarm is to press and hold the DIM and ALARM
buttons simultaneously on the Display Console for 5 seconds. This removes the affected
Tag from the Display Console front panel and effectively places it into standby mode.
Q: If someone accidentally loses a Tag or damages it, how do I remove it from the
If a Tag is lost, clear any alarm from the system using the cancel alarm function on
your Display Console.
There is no need to reprogram the system if a Tag is lost, as long as you have enough
spare TAG STATUS LEDs available on your Display Console.
For more information on resetting an Display Console to its factory defaults please see
the section titled