Rev. 1.1
Midor iOS User Guide
Valve Preset
You can change the valve preset from the
selection list.
For every valve, the preset field displays the interval in which you can enter the preset.
You can select the heat-transfer medium of the measured system by pressing
the Select Medium selection list.
If you select as the medium the Ethylenglycol or Propylenglycol ant-freeze
mix, you will have to enter the given anti-freeze mix concentration in the
Concentration field. Then, the application will recalculate the flow calculation
using this value. Also, you can find under the
field data on the
extent in which the concentration can be specified and entered.
Kv Direct Setup
In case the database of valves does not contain the valve you require you can measure the flow using the Kv direct
You can obtain the table with preset values and Kv values from the documentation of the respective valve manufacturer.