Do not expose a NanoScan to a laser beam if the
drum is not spinning! Scanhead damage thresholds
are reduced below specifications when the drum is not
spinning, increasing the possibility of damage to the
High Power caution
When measuring High Power CW or High Energy
Pulsed lasers, do not expose a NanoScan to a laser
beam if the drum is not spinning! The NanoScan drum
does not spin unless the power is ON and the software
is launched. The laser beams incident on the aperture
may cause damage to the slits/pinholes and detector
when the drum is NOT spinning. The slits/pinhole
substrates are thin membranes which can be damaged
if stopped in the beam, and if this occurs, the detector
may also be damaged. Use of a beam dump
is recommended until the drum is spinning!
When running long-term tests with NanoScan,
Configure the PC Power Management to NEVER go
off, and to NOT ALLOW Automatic Updates. These
cause the computer to reboot, closing the NanoScan
program and stopping the NanoScan drum, potentially
subjecting it to the same type of damage.
Power Connection Caution
When unplugging the unit, NEVER unplug the unit
without first turning off the software and closing the
program. Likewise, when plugging in the unit, make
certain that the program is not running. Failure to do so
may result in the EEPROM being wiped, and the unit
needing to be returned to Ophir-Spiricon for repair and
ScanHead daMage
IMPortant WarnIng!
NanoScan Scanhead