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ING MODE – Probably not used much with AXIUS, because the joystick will be used for
docking. This feature reduces throttle effect on RPM to 50% of its normal capacity. To
DISENGAGE, shift engines into neutral and press the “dock” button.
(See EOM 29-32)
Before starting the engine, make sure (1)
the raw water intake seacock handles are
OPEN, pushed down and to port. (2) the
raw water strainer is clean (3) the engine
has sufficient oil and coolant (4)
transmission fluid is at the proper level (5)
there are no restrictions to the air intake
grills (6) the fuel valve over both tanks are
OPEN (8) the HOUSE and BOTH
ENGINE battery banks (under the
electrical panel) are turned ON (9) the
throttle is in the neutral position showing
the yellow Neutral Lights (9) no one is in
the water near the boat and (10) all
machinery space hatches are closed.
TURN ON ENGINE IGNITION PANEL Turn the spring-loaded Ignition Keys clockwise to “ON”
(ACC stands for Accessories). After the SmartCraft display is activated and the Neutral Lights are
on, hold the switches to START.
START ENGINES by holding one then the second Ignition Key to the right with pressure to
“START” on the outer key rim, for several seconds until the engine starts. Then release the key,
so it springs back to “ON”. The engine will not start unless the shift levers are in NEUTRAL. If
repeated start attempts are needed, the key must be turned back to position OFF first.
Never engage the starter motor (turning key hard to the right) while the engine
is running. This may damage the pinion and/or ring gear.
IF BATTERY VOLTAGE is low and you have difficulty turning over the engine, a momentary
Parallel Switch is located to the left of two Engine Start Battery Switches underneath the electrical
panel belowdecks. By turning this switch on, you add the capacity of the house bank to the start
battery. Once started, turn OF the Parallel Switch. It is for emergency use only.
When the ignition key is first turned ON to position, you may hear an audible alarm signal A long
continuous horn indicates that the self-test function has failed and critical fault has been found.
Turn the switch to STOP immediately, if not in a hazardous situation, investigate and correct. See
EOM 29-32
MULTIPLE FAULTS DISPLAYED on Vessel View. It may be only ONE. There are five
computers that control all the interfaces between the engines and controls and the engines with
each other. If you see as many as 14 faults showing on the Vessel View, don’t panic. The
computers probably need rebooting. Follow this procedure.
1. Shut everything down.
2. Turn the engine keys to ON
3. When the alarm Beeps, Hit EMERGENCY STOP
4. Return EMERGENCY STOP to normal positon.