Form 824261
JAN - 08
- MV30
- 1A
Universal Radiator
Adapter P/N ©MV4506
DIRECTIONS Always read instructions
carefully prior to use.
WARNING: Never remove the radiator cap
or expansion tank cap while the engine is
at operating temperature. Always allow the
engine to cool before removing the radiator
cap or expansion tank cap. The cooling
system is under pressure. Failure to allow
the engine to cool before opening the cool-
ing system could result in serious injuries.
1. Ensure that the engine is cool before cau-
tiously removing the radiator cap.
2. Turn the tension knob of the Universal
Radiator Adapter counter-clockwise until
all tension has been relieved from the
expandable rubber adapter.
3. Insert expandable rubber plug of the Uni-
versal Radiator Adapter into the filler neck
of the radiator or expansion tank.
4. Turn tension knob of the Universal Radia-
tor Adapter clockwise until the expandable
rubber adapter comes into firm contact
with the interior wall of the filler neck.
5. To test this connection, hold the tank of
the radiator or the top of the expansion
tank, grip the Universal Radiator Adapter
and carefully attempt to pull up on the
adapter. The adapter should hold firmly
in filler neck. If necessary, tighten the
expandable rubber plug further by turning
the tension knob on the adapter clock-
NOTE: Some late-model vehicles are
equipped with radiator tanks and expan-
sion tanks made of plastic. Excessive
over-tightening of the expansion plug
could result in cracking of the radiator or
expansion tank. Use caution when tighten-
ing expandable rubber plug.
6. Connect radiator pressure tester to the
Universal Radiator Adapter in the same
manner that the tester would normally be
connected to a standard radiator neck or
radiator neck adapter.
NOTE: Always refer to the manufacturer’s
instructions for the particular radiator pres-
sure tester that is being used.
© Indicates change
To order call 1-800-548-1191 or visit www.partdeal.com - [email protected]