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cpuchg (Ethernet module's dedicated command)
This command designates an access target CPU with a
multiple CPU system configuration. Alternatively, it displays
the current access target CPU.
[Designation format]
quote cpuchg [access target CPU]
Access target CPU: Designate the CPU to which file access is
to be performed.
quote cpuchg
Checks the current access target CPU.
quote cpuchg controlPLC
Designates the control PLC as the access target CPU.
quote cpuchg no1
Designates the PLC No. 1 as the access target CPU.
quote cpuchg no2
Designates the PLC No. 2 as the access target CPU.
quote cpuchg no3
Designates the PLC No. 3 as the access target CPU.
quote cpuchg no4
Designates the PLC No. 4 as the access target CPU.
• When the command is successfully completed, the
execution result is displayed as follows:
When setting the access target CPU:
200 Command Okey
When displaying the access target CPU:
200 Target cpu is "access target CPU"
• If the designated access target CPU does not exist, the
following message is displayed.
557 Cpu not found
[Designation example 1]
When designating the access target CPU as the control PLC
quote cpuchg controlPLC
[Designation example 2]
When displaying the currently selected access target CPU
quote cpuchg
The control PLC of the Ethernet module will be the access
target CPU after logging in when the OPEN/USER command
is executed to the Ethernet module.