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(3) Table exchange system
(a) Overview of the table exchange system
1) This method uses the Network No., station number, and IP address set
in the conversion table of the Station No. <-> IP information, and uses
the UDP port number predefined for the Ethernet module system as the
UDP port number of the destination.
2) If duplicate network and station numbers are set in the conversion table,
the data set with the younger registration number is used.
If all the required values are not set, communication may not be
performed successfully.
(b) Conversion processing of the table exchange system
1) When a communication request message (command frame) to access
other station is received, the same Network No. and station number are
searched in the conversion table of the Station No. <-> IP information,
and the communication request message is sent to the partner station
with the corresponding IP address.
2) The response message (response) for the communication request
message is returned based on the return IP address and the data in the
conversion table above.
(c) Designation example
Shown on the next page.