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5 UTILITY PACKAGE (GX Configurator-AS)
Item Reference
*Configuration Data Registration/EEPROM Save*
1. Change to Configuration Mode
Change to Configuration Mode when [Mode Status] is not in
"Configuration Mode".
Mode Status
Configuration Mode Change Request
2. Set LPS
(A-slaves) List of Projected Slaves (LPS (For Write))
(B-slaves) List of Projected Slaves (LPS (For Write))
Configuration Register Request
3. Register Permanent Configuration by Command
AS-i Command Buffer <Command>
AS-i Command Buffer <Data Word 0>
Command Execution Request
AS-i Command Buffer <Result>
AS-i Command Buffer <Data Word 0>
4. Change to Protected Operation Mode
Protected Operation Mode Change Request
Mode Change Request Result (Current Error Code)
5. Save the Configuration Data in EEPROM
Execute only in case of saving in EEPROM
EEPROM Write Request
EEPROM Write Status
Turn OFF the EEPROM Write Request
* If any errors occurred in the request result of procedures 3, 4&5, please
check the error code and perform the corrective actions.
Section 5.7
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