To understand the main specifications, functions, and usage of the CPU module, refer to the basic manuals. Read
other manuals as well when using a different type of CPU module and its functions. The manuals related to this
product are listed below. Please place an order as needed.
: Basic manual, : Other CPU module manuals/Use them to utilize functions.
(1) CPU module user's manual
(2) Programming manual
Manual name
<manual number (model code)>
QCPU User's Manual (Hardware Design,
Maintenance and Inspection)
<SH-080483ENG (13JR73)>
Specifications of the hardware (CPU modules, power supply modules,
base units, extension cables, memory cards, SD memory cards,
extended SRAM cassettes, and batteries), system maintenance and
inspection, troubleshooting, and error codes
QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation,
Program Fundamentals)
<SH-080807ENG (13JZ27)>
Functions, methods, and devices for programming
QCPU User's Manual (Multiple CPU System)
<SH-080485ENG (13JR75)>
Information on building multiple CPU systems (system configurations,
I/O numbers, communications between CPU modules, and
communications with I/O modules and intelligent function modules)
QnUDVCPU/LCPU User's Manual (Data Logging
<SH-080893ENG (13JZ39)>
Detailed description of the data logging function of the CPU module
Manual name
<manual number (model code)>
MELSEC-Q/L Programming Manual (Common
<SH-080809ENG, 13JW10>
Detailed description and usage of instructions used in programs
MELSEC-Q/L/QnA Programming Manual (SFC)
<SH-080041, 13JF60>
System configuration, specifications, functions, programming, and
error codes for SFC (MELSAP3) programs
MELSEC-Q/L Programming Manual (MELSAP-L)
<SH-080076, 13JF61>
System configuration, specifications, functions, programming, and
error codes for SFC (MELSAP-L) programs
MELSEC-Q/L Programming Manual (Structured Text)
<SH-080366E, 13JF68>
System configuration and programming using structured text
MELSEC-Q/L/QnA Programming Manual (PID
Control Instructions)
<SH-080040, 13JF59>
Dedicated instructions for PID control
MELSEC-Q Programming/Structured Programming
Manual (Process Control Instructions)
<SH-080316E, 13JF67>
Dedicated instructions for process control
Summary of Contents for melsec q03ud(E)cpu
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