1/1553-ANF 901 54 Uen E5 2016-05-16
where FC is the function code for individual authorization code locking/unlocking.
Verification tone is received.
The extension is only locked if the authorization code is valid and the extension is not
already locked by either common authorization code or individual authorization code.
Calls from a locked extension, when no authorization code is given, will use the default
common service profile if it is a generic extension or the minimum common category if
it is other extensions.
Calls from a locked extension, using a valid authorization code, will use the common
category or common service profile associated with the authorization code.
Unlocking extension with individual authorization code
The extension can be unlocked in the same manner as for locking. The procedure is:
Dial # FC * authorization code #,
where FC is the function code for individual authorization code locking/unlocking.
Verification tone is received.
The extension is only unlocked if the authorization code is valid and if the extension is
locked with individual authorization code.
Calls from an unlocked extension, when no authorization code is given, will use the
common category or common service profile programmed for the extension.
Changing individual authorization code
The individual authorization code can only be changed from your own telephone.
A specific procedure dialed from the extension must be used when changing a indi-
vidual authorization code. The procedure is:
Dial * FC * previous authorization code * new authorization code #,
where FC is the function code for changing of individual authorization code.
Verification tone is received.
The authorization code will only be changed if the previous authorization code is valid.
An alarm telephone is assigned characteristics similar to an alarm center. A call to this
extension obtains automatic intrusion if the extension is busy. Up to 7 callers can be
connected to the alarm extension at the same time.
9.4 DATA
In a data communication environment the telephone can be used together with an
asynchronous terminal or an IBM compatible PC/industry standard PC as an integrated
voice/data terminal. The telephone together with a terminal adapter unit are connected
to the exchange over a 2-wire connection for simultaneous voice and data communi-