1/1553-ANF 901 54 Uen E5 2016-05-16
Individual authorization code
This is a code that is always affiliated to a directory number in the system.
The individual authorization code provides three different functions:
Locking/unlocking of an extension. When locked a lower common service
profile is used.
Authorization code dialing. This enables the calling party to use other cate-
gories or service profiles than those the extension is programmed with.
Changing the authorization code from the phone. This enables the autho-
rization code user to change the code when suitable.
Using Last Number Redial on external calls after dialing with common/individual autho-
rization code:
An UNLOCKED extension is allowed to use LNR without a call discrimination
A LOCKED extension is allowed to use LNR together with a call discrimination
Dialing from extension with common authorization code
A specific procedure dialled from the extension must be used when making an autho-
rization code call. The procedure is:
Dial * FC * authorization code #,
where FC is the function code for common authorization code dialing.
Verification tone is received.
Continue with external number.
The authorization code call will only be accepted if the authorization code is valid.
The common service profile associated with the authorization code will be used for the
call, except if the authorization code cannot be verified, then the default common
service profile will be used instead. If the category/common service profile of the autho-
rization code is too low for dialled external number, the call is rejected.
Locking extension with common authorization code
A specific procedure dialled from the extension will lock the extension. The procedure
Dial * FC * authorization code #,
where FC is the function code for common authorization code locking/unlocking.
Verification tone.
The extension will only be locked if the authorization code is valid, the CIL code corre-
sponds to the extension"s directory number and the extension is not already locked by
either common authorization code or individual authorization code. Calls from a locked
extension, when no authorization code is given, will use the default common service