Aastra 470 as of R3.2
syd-0337/1.6 – R3.2 – 09.2014
This chapter describes the web-based configuration tool WebAdmin as well as
some additional options. With WebAdmin the installer configures and main-
tains the communication server and its auxiliary equipment, and is supported
in the process by a set up and configuration assistant. WebAdmin offers dif-
ferent user interfaces for administrators, system assistants and end-users as
well as a special application for accommodation and hotels. A context-sensi-
tive online help provides valuable instructions on configuration, and step-by-
step instructions.
5. 1
WebAdmin Configuration Tool
This web-based configuration tool is available for the online configuration of Aas-
tra 400 series communication servers. It offers a simple, user-friendly interface and
an online help, and with its different authorization levels it is aimed at different user
Fig. 78
WebAdmin Configuration Tool