SLC Integration - QX-mini and FX-3500 - Two Stage
SLC Address Configuration
Alarm Input
: In Figure 69, Input Module address 201 is an example of any alarm input in
the job. It would need to be correlated to Supervised Output module addresses to
activate alert stage.
Common Trouble
: This feature allows the QX-mini to report any trouble(s) back to the
FACP. Referring to Figure 69, address 203 is an example of trouble input. Configure the
type as “trouble input” in the FACP configurator.
Signal Silence
: This feature allows FACP to silence audible and visible devices on the
• Audible and Visual signal silence: Configure this as a relay output module, address
204 (shown in Figure 69), and correlate it to “signal silence” common status in the
FACP configurator.
Paging/Message Active
: This feature reports to FACP when QX-mini has been
manually activated. For example, when microphone is active or a message has been
activated, trouble will report back to FACP. Configure this as an input module (Address
205 in Figure 69) in the FACP configurator, and select type as “building/property safety”.
AC Trouble
: This feature reports QX-mini AC failure to FACP. If QX-mini is configured
for “AC Loss Delay” then a trouble will only be reported after the delay. Configure this as
an input module (Address 206 in Figure 69), and select type as “trouble input” in the
FACP configurator.
Battery/Charger Trouble
: This feature reports to FACP when QX-mini has a battery or
battery charger trouble. Configure this as an input module (Address 207 in Figure 69),
and select type as “trouble input” in the FACP configurator as shown in Figure 69.
Earth Ground Fault
: This feature reports to FACP when there is a ground fault detected
on QX-mini system. Configure this as an input module (Address 208 in Figure 69) and
select type as “trouble input” in the FACP configurator.