Kaleido-X (7RU)
Quick Start Guide
Java Setup will update your PC or laptop.
5. Click Close once the installation has completed.
Step 4: System Verification
Verifying the Kaleido-X Multi-Viewer
To verify the status of your Kaleido-X multi-viewer:
1. You can check internal system statuses via the Web-based XAdmin application. There are two ways to
access XAdmin:
Method 1:
Use XEdit on a client PC to start the XAdmin application (see “Step 3: XEdit Installation”
on page 22). On the
menu, click
Use XAdmin
. This will open your default Web browser.
Method 2:
From a workstation on the same subnet, open a Web browser window and type the IP
address of the Kaleido-X frame, in the address bar. (The frame must have the Kaleido-X software
version 2.10 or later)
The Kaleido-X home page appears: