Setting Up the Kaleido-X (7RU) Multi-Viewer
Setting up the Kaleido-X (7RU) Hardware
The Kaleido-X has been configured to automatically detect the resolution of any connected display. If
the required information is not available, then a fall-back resolution of 1280 × 1024 @ 60 Hz is used.
2. Connect outputs of the Kaleido-X to one or more displays that support this resolution, and connect one
or more video sources to the frame (see “Cabling Diagram” on page 9). If you wish to use a different
resolution, see Changing the Output Resolution below, for detailed instructions.
3. Make the network and other connections as shown in the cabling diagram (see page 9). Connect a
client PC, the Kaleido-RCP2, one or more Audio Bridge Terminals, and every output module to a
dedicated 100Base-T Ethernet switch. You can also connect a mouse and a keyboard to your Kaleido-
There are two different models of 7RU frames, and two models of power supplies. If
you have a frame model KXA-FR7-B (with the corresponding KXA-PSU-7-B power
supply), you must ensure that a ground cable (not included) is connected between
the frame and the rack before powering up the unit.
The Audio Bridge Terminals (ABTs) are optional devices, and may not have been shipped with your
Kaleido-X (7RU) system. For information on these and other Kaleido-X options, please contact your
Miranda sales representative.
Connect a ground cable
and the rack
between this stud