3. Move the mouse onto the live image.
4. With the dropper tool, click a neutral area of the image to be
defined as the gray point. The color temperature and CC index
will be displayed automatically.
The area used to calibrate the gray point must be neutral. The
brightness level of the area is not important, but if the area has a
definite color, the image will not be color balanced correctly. The
dropper tool can be turned on or off by the gray-point button.
1. Select Manual.
2. Input the color temperature and the CC index.
3. Click the Apply button.
Color temperature can be adjusted between 2500 - 10000K. CC index can be adjusted between –60
to 60, integer only.
A color temperature approximately lower than 3,200K and a high CC index cannot be set at the
same time. If the value-outside-range message appears, change one or both values.
A Minolta color meter can be used to measure the approximate color temperature of a scene when
capturing a RAW image. The recorded color temperature and CC index value from the meter can be
entered in the text boxes to set the white balance. A green CC value should be entered as a negative
integer and a magenta value as a positive integer. When making the reading, both the color tempera-
ture and the CC value must be recorded.
If the image is captured under a continuous source like the sun or tungsten lighting, the correspon-
ding measurement can be very effective in balancing the color of the image. However, because the
spectral response of the camera’s CCD and the color meter are not the same, if images are captured
under lighting with a discontinuous line spectrum like fluorescent or mercury vapor, the values
recorded with the color meter may not result in an accurate reproduction.
Contrast can be adjusted within eleven levels (±5).
Color saturation
Color saturation can be adjusted within eleven levels (±5).
Specifying the color temerature and CC index