miniDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and specifications subject to change without prior notice
Output slave mode
Output slave mode is used when the miniSHARC is connected to external circuitry that:
Acts as both I2S data source and receiver, and
Generates its own clocks.
In this mode, the connected device must provide a bit clock and word clock at the sample rate of the loaded
plugin – that is, 48 or 96 kHz. The clocks must be provided to both sets of clock lines, as illustrated in Figure 3
To put the miniSHARC into output slave mode, pull both pin 8 and pin 9 of the J1 expansion header low. This is
easily accomplished by connecting them to pin 6 and/or pin 5 (GND).
Summary of I2S clock modes
Table 5 summarizes the various I2S clock modes. The table indicates the source of each clock domain for the
mode, and the settings of the relevant J1 pins.
Note that there is a fourth mode, in which J1 Pin 8 is N/C and J1 Pin 9 is pulled low. This mode does not have any
practical application so is not supported.
Table 5. Summary of modes and clock domains
Input clock domain
Output clock domain J1 Pin 8
J1 Pin 9
miniSHARC 48/96k
miniSHARC 48/96k
Input slave
Input device 32–192k
miniSHARC 48/96k
Pull low
Output slave
I/O device 48/96k
I/O device 48/96k
Pull low
Pull low
Figure 3. Output slave mode