10 Disposal
If the packaging is no longer required, please take it to your local waste disposal facility
and/or a reputable disposal company or collection point. The packaging largely consists
of environmentally friendly materials which can be used as secondary raw materials.
It is not permitted—even for small businesses—to dispose of this product with the regular
household waste or at collection points run by local public waste disposal companies.
EU legislation requires its Member States to collect electrical and electronic equipment
and dispose of it separately from other unsorted municipal waste so that it can then be
Before disposing of or scrapping the product, any batteries should be removed and taken
to a suitable collection point.
Please see our T&Cs for further information.
Service addresses for repairs are listed in the product information supplied with the
product and on our website (www.minebea-intec.com).
We reserve the right not to accept products that are contaminated with hazardous
substances (ABC contamination) for repair.
Should you have any further questions, please contact your local service representative or
our service center.
Minebea Intec Bovenden GmbH & Co. KG
Repair center
Leinetal 2
37120 Bovenden, Germany
Phone: +49.551.30983.333
[email protected]
10 Disposal
Combics 1 Series Complete Scales Models CAW1P, CAW1S, CAS1
Minebea Intec