This can be accomplished with two 3PDT relays, three momentary
operated pushbutton switches (two with normally open contacts and
one with normally closed contacts) and a jumper wire in place of a
dynamic braking resistor.
L1 and L2 supply power to the relay
holding circuitry. Normally, if the PB1 (FORWARD), PB2 (BRAKE),
and PB3 (REVERSE) pushbuttons are to be located remotely from
the control, low voltage relay coils are used. In operation, power is
applied to the SL15U control and the appropriate voltage to L1 and
L2. When PB2 is actuated, the motor will dynamically brake to a
stop. When PB3 is actuated, the motor will run in reverse. When
the motor is running, a change in direction is not possible without
actuating PB2 (BRAKE) first. See Figure 18, page 38.
Reversing with Dynamic Braking using Relays
Reversing with Dynamic Braking Circuits
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