Bag Installation
Remember to use only bags that are the proper size for your model.
To gain room at the right side of the tunnel when working
with the bag and bag pan, the light mounting arm on the tunnel
side can be unpinned and raised up out of the way.
Remember to place in the lowered position before transport.
Lower the bag pan by unhooking the two bungee cords (one on each side of tunnel) and allow
the bag pan to rest on the ground.
Using the winch on the bag boom, lower the cable and attach to the cradle lifting lug.
Lift the cradle with the bag boom winch from the tunnel and lower the cradle to the ground.
Set the cradle on the ground to the rear of the machine and centered in the tunnel opening.
Set the cradle between the tunnel and the bag box.
Line up the box with the back of the tunnel, making sure the arrow on the end of the box is
pointing toward the tunnel. Cut the plastic bands from the box and remove the outer lid. DO
NOT remove the ties around the bag until the bag is on the tunnel. Remove the inner shell
and the bo
x will flatten.
Light Mounting
Retaining Pin
Retaining Pin
Bag Cradle
Arrow On Box