distance between the aileron trailing edge
and the leading edge of the horizontal stab
should be approximately 5-1/4”. Do not glue
the wing to the fuselage.
26. Setup motor and speed control as per
manufactures recommendations. Fit battery
and power unit to model so that wires are as
short as possible. This is a light model and
every little bit of extra weight counts.
27. Temporarily attach propeller, receiver,
antenna, motor, speed control, and battery
(using narrow Velcro strap) before
balancing. The receiver is typically strapped
or taped to the fuselage and a micro
antenna is used for this model.
28. The CG for this model is 1/8
inch to the rear
of the main spar. Balance the plane at the
CG by holding wings with your fingertips as
shown in the image below. Try to maintain
the distance from the front fuselage to the
leading edge of the wing at 2 1/8” by
adjusting positions of your hardware first. If
necessary, change position of your wing to
29. Once aircraft is balanced, adjust the
horizontal stabilizer so it is parallel to the
wing. Then glue the front and rear wing
saddles to the fuselage stick.
30. Position servo, battery and motor mounts.
The motor should have 2 ° of right and 2 °
of down thrust. This can be achieved by
shimming the motor or by offsetting the
motor mount during gluing. Glue the motor
mount to the fuselage and battery mount
using thick CA glue.
31. Square the vertical stabilizer to the
horizontal stabilizer. Glue the vertical
stabilizer to the horizontal stabilizer by
bleeding thin CA into the mount.
32. Install the control linkage. The E-Z
connectors are for the aileron servo arm.
The aileron control horns must be mounted
through the top of the control surface at this
time and glued at the same angle as aileron
push rods. Feed the rudder and elevator
pushrods through the rear pushrod guide
before attaching to servos. Use Z bends for
rudder and elevator servos. Be sure to
center your servos first.
33. Glue the motor mount to the front of the
battery holder. See picture below:
34. Permanently install receiver, motor and
speed control. Make sure your antenna
does not touch the carbon fiber fuselage or
any metal. Use double stick foam tape to
mount speed control to the top of battery
Control throws
Control throws are as follows:
Use Exponential if your radio has it the facility.
Elevator: 45 ° up and down 20° low rate
Rudder: 45 ° left and right
Ailerons: 45 ° up and down 20° low rate