- provides an
overview of the previous
operation of the thermostat
where weekly, monthly or
6-monthly reports can be
viewed (image 29).
Weather forecast
provides a daily and weekly
overview of weather
conditions for the place
where your thermostat is
located (image 30).
- you can see brief
explanations for handling
the mC HT500 SET
application (image 31).
- is an option
where you can adjust the
thermostat calibration and
temperature sensitivity. You
can also turn on / off the
light on the thermostat
display (screen light). You
can change the image or
user name via profile
settings (image 32 and 33).
Turn (off / on) the device
offers the possibility to turn
the thermostat on or off
(image 34).
Log out
- exit from your
account and returns to the
home page of the application
(image 27).
image 29
image 30
image 31
image 32
image 33
image 34