MCAC-UTSM-201501 Midea R410A T3 Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
2.3 Install the drainage pipe
In order to prevent faults caused by condensate of the refrigerant pipe and drain pipe, perform
condensate prevention and heat insulation properly.
If it is forecast that high humidity and temperature environment (condensate temperature is over
23°C) may exist in the ceiling, e.g., inside the ceiling with slab, (ceiling which is in the same
environment as the outdoor air), it is necessary to apply 10mm or thicker adiabatic wool
) to the refrigerant pipe and the drain pipe in addition to apply the general heat
insulation materials. Enough heat insulation materials should also be applied to the refrigerant
joint and the pipe joint.
The drain of water is natural. In the construction, the external pipe slants downward at a gradient
of 1/50~1/100.
The number of bends and folds of the drain pipe should not exceed 2. Try to avoid bends in
order to prevent trash accumulation.
Charge water into water collection tray, after the drain water pipe is installed, check whether the
water can be drained smoothly and whether the joints are leakage.
After making sure that the water drains smoothly and no water is leaked, use a diabatic wool
bushes to preserve heat of the drain pipe. Ohterwise, condensate will occur.