MCAC-UTSM-201501 Midea R410A T3 Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
the installation screws to adjust the horizontality. Finally, Tighten the screws.
2.2 Designing and connecting the duct
The duct accessories and materials must be produced by professional manufacturers.
Int order to prevent air flow shoting, do not set the air inlet orifice near the air outlet orifice.
Install a filter at an easy-to-maintain place such as intake pipe. If without the filter, the duct
will gether on the air heat exchanger and lead to fault and water leak of the air conditioner.
In order to suppress noise effectively, install noise suppression and sound insulation
devices, especially in the noise-sensitive spaces such as meeting rooms.
For connection of the flange plane, use non-flammable canvas adapter to prevent
transmission of vibration. Use M6×20 screws (configured on site) for connection.
MTA-76C(H)RN1, MTA-96C(H)RN1, MHB-76C(H)RN1, MHB-96C(H)RN1:
View of air outlet side (Unit: mm)