MCAC-UTSM-201501 Midea R410A T3 Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
indicator goes off. If an in-service air conditioner in the network is faulty, or the centralized
controller network itself is faulty, the indicator will blink at 2Hz.
If one or more in-service air conditioners in the network are running, including under setting
of timing start or shutdown, the indicator will be luminous. Otherwise, the indicator is off.
Locking of centralized controller:
After receiving the centralized controller locking command sent from the computer, the
centralized controller disables the startup or shutdown and setting or the air conditioner, and
sends commands to lock remote controllers of all air conditioners in the network of the
centralized controller. After receiving the unlocking command, the centralized controller
enables the startup or shutdown operation, and sends commands to unlock the remote
controller of all air conditioners.
The locking status of the remote controller can be locked or unlocked by the computer or
centralized controller separately. The locking status of the centralized controller is
memorized after power failure of the centralized controller, and will not vanish after the
power supply is restored, unless the command of unlocking is received.
Mode locking function:
After the mode locking command is received, the command is forwarded to the air
conditioner, and the centralized controller displays the mode locking flag. After the
command of unlocking is received, the non-conflict mode can be selected freely. The
centralized controller can also lock modes of all indoor units.
Emergent shutdown and compulsory startup:
If the emergent switch of the centralized controller was switch off, all air conditioners in the
network of the centralized controller will be shut down compulsorily. The centralized
controller and computer and all functional modules are disabled from startup and shutdown
until the foregoing switch is turned off. If the switch was turned on, all air conditioners in the
network of the centralized controller will be start up compulsorily. By default, they will run in
the cooling mode. The startup and shut-down operations of the centralized controller and
the computer and all functional modules will be disabled (Only the command of startup is
sent to the air conditioner, without affecting operation of the remote controller after startup)