Media Converter/Signal Repeater module is a part of MICROSENS 10G Transport
Platform, a high performance and flexible carrier-class transmission system. The 10G
Transport Platform enables increasing transport capacitities in CWDM, DWDM and SDH
networks. The use of wide range TDM modules permits to reduce the number of
necessary wavelengths and to decrease the overall cost of the application. Ethernet
over SDH modules enable using exisiting SONET/SDH infractructure for IP transmission.
The general features of the system:
19“ 2U Chassis with 5 module slots and management card
Max. 5x single size modules f.ex. 2x double size + 1x single size module
Hot swappable modules & power supplies
Redundant power supplies with -48 VDC input (opt. 230 VAC)
Exchangeable air- and filter module
Wide range of functional xWDM and TDM modules available
The functional modules of 10G Transport Platform include:
TDM 8x GBE or 8x GFC to 10G/OC-192/STM-64
TDM 5x GBE or 5x 2GFC to OC-192/STM-64
TDM 4x OC-48/STM-16 to 10G/OC-192/STM-64
TDM 2x GBE and 2x GFC to OC-48/STM-16
10G transponder with 3R, XFP and fixed Laser Versions
10G protocol converter 10G LAN to 10G WAN (OC-192/STM-64)
GmbH & Co. KG - Küferstraße 16 - 59067 Hamm - Tel. +49 2381/9452 0 - Fax 9452 100 - www.microsens.com
Media Converter/Signal Repeater