Special Function
Atrial fibrillation detection
This device is designed to screen for atrial fibrillation
during blood pressure measurements both in
USUAL» Mode and «DIAG.» Mode. If atrial
fibrillation is detected during all readings of the triple
measurements in usual mode or all four readings
of one day in diagnostic mode, the Afib icon
displayed. If the Afib icon is displayed after a blood
pressure measurement follow the instructions on page
Joseph Wiesel, et al. Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Using a
Modified Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor.
American Journal of Hypertension 2009; 22, 8, 848–852.
Atrial fibrillation, a major cause of stroke can be detected by
this device. However, not all risk factors for stroke, including
atrial flutter, may be detected by this device.
This device may not detect atrial fibrillation in people with
pacemakers or defibrillators. People with pacemakers or
defibrillators should therefore not use this device to detect
atrial fibrillation.