Copyright © 2009-2012 Micca, LTD. All rights reserved.
File Copying/Deleting (FAT32 Drives Only)
The Micca Speck can be used to copy or delete files from USB drives or memory cards
that uses the FAT32 file system (NTFS drives can only be read by the Speck). This
feature is useful for such situations as moving digital camera photos from a memory
card to a portable hard drive without needing a computer. To copy folders or files:
1. From the main menu, select the File icon and press <OK> on the remote.
2. Select which storage device to copy files from: USB Drive, Memory Card, and
Optical Drive. Highlight the desired device and press <OK>.
3. Select which partition of the drive to copy files from. Most drives have only one
partition. Highlight the appropriate partition and press <OK>.
4. All folders and files found will be displayed.
5. Highlight the folder or file that is to be copied and press <OSD> on the remote to
bring up the copy/delete menu.
6. To copy the highlighted folder or file, select Copy from the menu and press <OK>
on the remote.