Instructions GD0 7
GD0 must not be used to power a door that is not efficient and
safe. It cannot solve defects resulting from incorrect installation
or poor maintenance of the door.
WARNING: incorrect installation could cause serious damage.
Before proceeding with the installation you must:
• Make sure that the door movement does not hinder roads or
public footpaths.
• After the motor has been installed, remove unnecessary cables
or chains and turn off any unneeded equipment
• Make sure that the weight and dimensions of the door fall with-
in the specified operating limits (Chapter 3.1.1). If they do not,
GD0 cannot be used.
• Make sure that the structure of the door is suitable for automa-
tion and in compliance with regulations in force.
• Make sure that there are no points of greater friction in the
opening or closing travel of the door.
• Make sure that the mechanical structure of the door is sturdy
enough and that there is no risk of derailing out of the guide.
• Make sure that the door is well balanced: it must not move by
itself when it is placed in any position.
• Make sure that the installation area is compatible with the size
of the gearmotor and that it is safe and easy to release it.
• Make sure that the mounting positions of the various devices
are protected from impacts and that the mounting surfaces are
sufficiently sturdy.
• Make sure that the mounting surfaces of the photocells are flat
and that they enable the proper alignment between TX and RX.
• Make sure that the minimum and maximum clearances speci-
fied in fig. 8 are observed.
• Pay attention in particular to the methods for securing the head
of the guide and the brackets to the ceiling. The head of the guide
will have to bear all the strain of opening and closing the door; the
ceiling-mounted brackets will have to bear all the weight of GD0.
In both cases, the wear and deformations that may occur in time
must be taken into consideration.
• The gearmotor should be mounted so that it coincides with the
centre of the door, or is slightly off-centre, e.g. in order to mount
the OSCILLATING ARM next to the handle (Figure 11).
• Make sure that, in the position corresponding to the door, or
slightly to the side, (see positions “A” and “B”) the conditions are
suitable for mounting the head of the guide; in particular, the
material should be sufficiently sturdy and compact.
Make sure that GD0 can be mounted on the ceiling along position
“C” using the mounting brackets.
If the door to be automated is an overhead type with springs or
counterweights, it will be necessary to install an OSCILLATING
ARM, which must be mounted next to the handle (Figure 11).
• Make sure that distance [E] in Figure 9, i.e. the minimum dis-
tance between the upper side of the guide and the maximum
point reached by the upper edge of the door, is no shorter than 65
mm and no longer than 300 mm, otherwise GD0 cannot be
If the door closes a room that has no other means of access, we
recommend installation of the EXTERNAL RELEASE KIT, other-
wise a simple power failure will prevent access to the room (fig-
ure 10).
Note: the oscillating arm and external release kit are supplied
with the related assembly instructions.
The installation must be carried out by qualified and skilled per-
sonnel in compliance with the directions provided in chapter 1
3 Installation
Preliminary checks
Figure 8
Figure 9
2970 mm
410 mm
0÷400 mm
40÷400 mm
260 mm
260 mm
0÷400 mm
65÷300 mm
Figure 10