Control
Unit
/
Rev
6.11
‐
Incoming
In
co
m
in
g
Pus
h
‐
b
u
tto
n
Outgoing
Li
gh
ts
/O
reen
In
comi
ng
/o
ut
go
in
g
Ou
tg
o
in
g
pus
h
‐
b
u
tto
n
Control
voltage
for
lights
Lights
for
Lights
for
Opening
control
for
auxiliary
devices
Add
Subtract
Add
Subtract
Figure
12.
E6
‐
board.
If
there
is
a
constant
queue
and
a
reservation
request
is
received
from
the
opposite
direction,
the
green
light
is
turned
off
and
the
red
light
turned
on
after
the
set
direction
change
interval
so
that
vehicles
can
drive
through
from
the
other
direc
‐
tion.
The
light
at
the
other
end
changes
to
green
after
the
drive
‐
through
time.
The
drive
‐
through
time
is
set
to
be
no
less
than
the
time
it
takes
for
the
slowest
traffic
to
pass
through
plus
the
green
light’s
on
time
as
set
with
jumpers
and
of
connector
X12.
Weather
conditions
may
affect
the
drive
‐
through
time,
so
the
drive
‐
through
time
must
always
be
set
to
be
sufficiently
long
to
prevent
accidents.
Control
method
2:
green
light
is
on
at
one
end
of
the
ramp
and
a
red
light
at
the
other.
Light
selection
for
the
ends
of
the
ramp
can
be
made
with
a
potential
‐
free
contact
connected
to
terminals
and
28.
If
the
contact
is
closed
(green
H7
on),
the
green
light
is
on
at
the
outside
end
and
red
at
the
inside
end.
If
the
contact
is
open,
the
inside
end
has
a
green
light
and
the
outside
end
a
red
one.
Access
control
can
be
used
to
control
rush
‐
hour
traffic;
e.g.,
the
green
light
is
constantly
lit
for
incoming
traffic
at
the
outside
end
of
the
ramp
in
the
morning,
and
for
outgoing
traffic
at
the
inside
end
in
the
evening.
This
way,
vehicles
do
not
have
to
needlessly
wait
for
the
green
light
during
rush
hours.
Otherwise,
operation
is
as
in
control
method
1.
If
there
are
no
open
commands
to
the
door
in
this
control
method,
you
must
remember
that
the
door
closes
automatically
after
the
set
time.
If
the
control
is
only
a
traffic
control,
must
the
automatic
closing
of
the
door
stop,
e.g.
by
giving
a
continuous
open
command
to
the
door.