76-02-105 Rev.B
Page 54 of 80
Multiple Peers
The NT10G05 supports up to 8 concurrent tests and therefore supports the
configuration of multiple remote peers.
IP Address (L3 Only)
When performing the L3 test, the remote loopback unit is identified by IP address.
UDP Port (L3 Only)
When performing the L3 test to the remote L3 Peer loopback device the remote unit
will be configured to loopback a particular UDP port number. This must be set to
match on both loopback and tester for correct operation.
The default port is 7, UDP-Echo however it may be set to any value that will not be
used by customer traffic and will be allowed through any network firewalls
SLA (L3 Mode)
In L3 test mode, MDP is not available and so the option to select the remote SLA is
not available. Instead the SLA to use must be selected from the list of available
SLA’s. L2 Packet Size (L2/L3)
The L2 packet size configuration item defines the transmitted packet size including
all the L2 and L3 information.
The L2 packet size does not include any additional tags, such that where a C-VLAN
is defined and the L2 packet size is 1518, the actual transmitted port is 1522 bytes.
The packet size must be within the network MTU range, and has a valid range within
the NT10G05 of 64 to 10240 bytes.