Lubrication point.
Lubricant grade
Lubrication frequency
Wheel hub bearings
ŁT 43
Every 6 months
Hydraulic actuator head socket
Graphite grease
Once a year
Load body tipping system parts
ŁT 43
Every 6 months
Eye catch
ŁT 43
Every 6 months
Other lubrication points
• Regularly lubricate movable parts of locks, hinges and articulated joints;
• Pressure-feed the lubricant with a grease gun through clean nipples;
• Regularly lubricate movable parts of brakes (levers and pins);
• Lubricate the brake shoe axes only when necessary and only with a small amount of lubricant
9.2. Maintenance and servicing
The transport capacity and long operating life of the farming trailer can only be assured if
the machine is properly and reasonably operated within its design and functional capacities.
Even a slight negligence in operation may result in severe consequences. A timely discovered
fault is easy to remove at a minimum cost and effort, while producing the maximum effect.
Faults of the trailer can only be discovered soon if regular, periodic cleaning and thorough
inspection is carried out.
Hence clean the trailer frequently to observe any damage and faults.
Also carry out periodic technical inspection of the trailer. Lubricate the trailer according the
guidelines for lubrication.
Store the trailer in a sheltered area to protect it from weather conditions and deterioration.
In order to preserve its proper performance, the trailer must be maintained, readily repaired
and thoroughly supervised during its operating life.
Daily servicing (before work) of the trailer includes a certain minimum of actions, i.e.:
• check the screwed components and their safeguards from accidental release;
• check the play of mechanisms and articulated joints;
• check the tightness of the hydraulic system and remove all leaks;
• check the tightness of the pneumatic system;
• functional checks of mechanisms;
• check and perform lubrication according to the instructions;
• check the tyre pressure;
• check the wall locks for proper engagement and security;
• wall top sections in use: do functional tests and check that the parts do not pose risk to traffic
safety and operator's safety;
• functional check of the brake system and the warning and signalling system.