HDM97Pocket Quick Reference
The adapter is suitable for measuring pressure, temperature and conductivity in flow-
though mode. With immersion usage of the probe it is suitable for measuring temperature
and conductivity concurrently. The preferred orientation of the adapter is vertical. The axial
connector must point down (see picture). In flow-through mode the axial connector is to be
used as inlet meanwhile the side connector is to be used as outlet. The connection to the
pressure transducer inside the HDM97Pocket is accomplished by the lateral connection
above the inlet. Before measurement it is necessary to shake the adapter slightly, so that
air bubbles trapped inside can pass off through the outlet.
For immersion usage the probe must be unscrewed from the flow-through adapter. To
accomplish that do not turn the upper shank, the probe may be damaged. Only turn the
nut as shown in the picture left.
Never touch the carbon ring electrode surfaces with your fingers or other objects. Do
not buckle the probe cable. The minimum allowed bending radius is 3 cm or 1¼ inches.
For details read the user manual HDM97Pocket. Templates for the HDM97Pocket meters are
available on the CD “HDM97Pocket”.
All brand names mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners.
Flow-through Adapter for Conductivity
and Temperature Measurement
For complete details on IBP products visit:
IBP Medical GmbH
Ikarusalle 15
D 30179 Hannover
Phone: +49 511 651647
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