About Data
Do not violate or infringe the copyright law and other international copyright laws while using this player for
The copyright law forbids unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted music for any other purpose other than self-
entertainment without the author’s permission.
Even for the purpose of self-entertainment, it is strictly prohibited to compile and disseminate copyrighted music
to the third party without the author’s permission.
If intentionally disseminate copyrighted music by means of information network without the author’s permission, the
infringer will violate “the right of communication to the public” and “the right of distribution” and shall be subject to the
criminal responsibilities.
This company, and the manufacturers, distributors and dealers of this player are not liable for any of the
above infringement acts.
This company shall not be liable for any loss or damage (either anticipated or unanticipated losses) of
customers or other third parties by the usage of the player.
Before loading into or using the player, please back-up all the essential information stored in PCs.
This company shall not be liable for any loss or damage by the usage of the player.